Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Last Summer - Boris Paternak *

An awfully written, tedious piece of literature which was about as enjoyable as watching some paint dry, I'm relieved this wasn't a long novel as I would have given up if it had been and as it was I was dragging myself through it not enjoying it at all. This is a testament to show that not all 'classics' are worth reading!

Started 4th March
Finished 4th March

Amphitryo - Plautus * *

Not a favourite of mine out of the four plays, but not a bad effort although the idea of the Gods pretending to be mortals just became too confusing and the story didn't lead to a finish.

Started 2nd March
Finished 4th March

Monday 2 March 2009

Three Dollar Day - Plautus * * * *

Very amusing, this and the first play 'The Ghost' are so far my favourites. You really can laugh out loud with these, amazingly up-to-date humour!

Started 1st March
Finished 2nd March

Sunday 1 March 2009

The Rope - Plautus * * *

While not as funny as the previous play 'The Ghost' I still found this an enjoyable romp with the Greeks, as a pair of shipwrecked whores are washed up on the shore next to the temple of Venus after being kidnappd from Athena by a pimp,however they are unaware that their former master has also been washed up alive and well...
This kind of storyline makes it almost impossible to believe that Plautus was writng such a long time ago, for he still maintains a certain modernism and humour to his work today!

Started 1st March
Finished 1st March

The Ghost - Plautus * * * *

A satirically funny look at 200BC Roman comedy as only Plautus knew how, contrasting in many modern opinions and outbursts along the way - very funny!

Started 1st March
Finished 1st March

The Bridges of Madison County - Robert James Waller * * * 1/2

No way near as powerful and heart-wrenching as the movie, which is a now rare occurance in books, but still a moving portrayal of a passionate affair. Lovely easy reading but would prefer to watch the film again than read this for a second time.

Started 1st March
Finished 1st March

The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner - James Hogg * * 1/2

Although the story to this novel was genius (in fact it was said to be the idea for Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde) the language was awful to read. Quarter of a way into the book I was contemplating giving up, and I don't normally give up on books. The second half improved, but not enough that when I had finished the book I didn't give a cry of relief. 18th Century Scottish can get a bit much sometimes! So in short, great story, terrible language!

Started 26th February
Finished 28th February