Thursday 8 December 2011

Books, Books, Books?

Next year I am determined to make a proper dent in the list of books I want to read. So far I am reading one that takes my fancy and then perusing the next one to the extent that I am wasting precious time not knowing what I next want to read.
Next Year I am going to have a schedule for my reading. I know it's not very proper and it sounds like I'm going to take all the enjoyment out of it if I have a specific pattern, but actually I think it will help me tackle books that I have had on my TBR pile for god knows how many years. I will continue to try and read as much Wodehouse and Christie as I can, but will also aim to read a classic for every 3 or 4 easy/modern novels that I finish. I do love classics when I get in to them, but sometimes the idea of having to read something that doesn't jump right off the page at me is rather off-putting. I am also determined to read all (or at least half) of the Georgette Heyer detective novels (having only read one so far and thoroughly enjoyed it) along with a few of the Dorothy L Sayers 'Lord Peter Wimsey' books. Crime, crime crime is the word on my 2012 mouth. I will devour as much crime and detective fiction as I can eat. I may even get started on one of the Edmund Crispin or Ngaio Marsh novels if I dare... Does anyone know whether there are any other detective writers like the ones I've listed? I am starting to become obsessed with them..
So maybe this is completely ridiculous, having just started this rant by saying that I want to have order to my reading, and then going on to say I'm going to read a specific genre instead of particular novels, but at least having a good idea of which genre I want to make a big hole in is a bloomin' good start...

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