Monday 9 May 2011

Love Lies - Adele Parks 2009 ***

Usually Adele Parks is someone who I can read without fearing a negative experience, and generally her books are quick, frothy and easy-going.
'Love Lies' however, felt to me a bit like Parks was on a tight schedule and had to get the book finished by a certain time. Because of this she ended up churning out a load of nonsense, most of which was completely unbelievable and not particularly interesting. Fair enough, I realise most chick lit stories are never likely to happen, but even with a fantasy scenario you would hope that there would be a small chance.
The main character Fern is suddenly struck by the fact that she is turning 30 soon and her boyfriend of 4 years hasn't proposed to her. So she issues him with an ulitmatium, either he proposes or he moves out (nothing like bullying someone into getting engaged to you!). At the same time as this is happening she happens to meet a world famous popstar called Scottie Taylor (as you do) and falls in love with him at first sight and then ends up getting engaged to him in the blink of an eye. Blah blah blah. This is the kind of stuff you might enjoy reading as an impressionable young teen who thinks that a famous celebrity will pick you out of millions of other females and ride off into the sunset with you but adults should stay away. It's not even a likely scenario in fantasy land and the dialogue is curiously amateur, as though Parks has only just starting writing instead of having been doing it for years.
A lot of the book seemed to be filler as well which didn't help change my mind. Adele you can do better!

Started 7th May
Finished 8th May

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